As the tour ends and sadly the endless amounts of pizza,bacon and Gatorade does too. But luckily for Billy the Chinese is just around the corner. With many ups and downs the tour has been an emotional rollercoaster but a phenomenal experience that none of us will forget.
The 'dead day', was dead! To add to this the pilot decided to fly around the airport for an hour. This was made worse by the fact we had no Gaz gshore to make fun of, after he bottled the second flight cause he was too busy crying that Pom called his bird angin.
Surprisingly many of us were up on the first day in America at 5 despite the 20 hour travel day before. The coach had wifi but you couldn't get snapchat unless you were a sneaky one with vpn.We arrived at Gettysburg and the dorms were peng. Everyone was pumped for the first game where we took a narrow loss after going out hard against the reputable program from Massachusetts Top Gun Fighting Clams. The second game was a different story despite the additional hype of the stadium. The Timperley boys brought some cheerleaders and snook off with them after must have been a rough night with 2/5 coming back injured(muppets). Back on campus some NATURALly strange snapchatting was going on.
The third day started with a beating from the cavaliers which was especially annoying as they were overly patriotic and not the friendliest. This losing streak continued with a big loss to HOCO who were a talented team and slightly more friendly, big shout out to Ethan the burg Mockford with one of the best saves I have seen aesthetically and technically.Between morning and afternoon games a few of us chilled with the gait cup worker giving him a lesson on slang and of course chatting about the chicken connoisseur(wings and dat).The next game we put in a good performance in the second half yet still lost to lax world. The fourth and final game we were missing All Star tm.certi and took a narrow loss to haymakers yet it didn't feel that was as we put in a great performance. I can't wait to see the film from the All Star game with amazing performances from tom (tm.certi) and the rest of the team in the crowd.
On the last day of the Gait Cup we finally got a win then hit the road heading for Long Island. Which was described to us by Scott as a 3 hour journey yet he forgot to mention the x2. That evening Chipotle and McDs was eaten then everyone hit the hay early in our very comfy double beds.
Playing in chain mail we started with a win in New York and everyone was buzzing. This win streak continued with a one goal win vs LI outlaws despite Scott being told to calm down after shouting to the Outlaws he was the Sheriff. This win streak was ended to a loss against NJ Riot partly due to injury and tiredness yet it was a respectable loss by 3 to a very talented team. In the evening we headed to the MLL game at Hofstra early to meet some of the Ohio Machines. We gave the yanks a lesson in chants and celebrations and also watched a great game of lacrosse and dances from cheerleaders oi oi.
It was the last day of games and we went out flat for reasons unknown, this lead to a loss against CT chargers. After some rest and Gatorade protein we were well up for the last game. Despite this we went 3 down quickly from some good offence by Twist. Moral was kept high on the sideline and this helped us get even at 4-4 at the half. Some dirty play by twist made us want to shout and let it all out getting us even more fired up. A fantastic effort by both the D and O led to us getting the win with Elliott Bickerton getting the winner.
Today was our last day and first we went to lax unlimited where we were gifted with coffee and donuts. To follow this we headed into the city doing lots of shopping then trekking 500 miles to chick-fil-a. After lunch we did even more shopping and went to Times Square where the cakes looked delicious and HUGE!
Gutted to be going home but all very thankful to the parents and coaches who made it all possible especially Scott. Improved so much as a team and as people making great friends on the way. Hopefully we can give back to the program so it can grow and develop further. Sad to be going home because the whole experience has been amazing.Thanks to everyone once again. Once a Knight always a Knight. ET2.